Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Hope for Wildlife Open House August 29, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Charlie and Daisy wrestle one more time
Just when you think your dogs are too old to get out and have some good old fun - they surprise you and jump and play for a few minutes on a hot afternoon - and I was lucky enough to have the camera around to catch it - so I made a little video to save it for antiquity - here is about 3 minutes of it - (note I have a category for wrestling they've done so much of it over the years)
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Today's Atlantic Small Dog Rescue Yard Sale & Barbecue!
You can also find Atlantic Small Dog Rescue on Facebook if you didn't click on the link at the beginning of this post....
Friday, August 27, 2010
Grossest Thing EVA - What lurks under the labels on cans

Upon further investigation - underneath the label - there had probably been about about a 3 mm slice in the can - but when we bought the can it wasn't noticable -

Can you imagine? GROSS!!! It was LITTLE WORMS!!! And it was eating the spagetti sauce inside!
How many cans do we eat of stuff though that have little pin holes that allow air in - and these things to begin to form and we don't see it because it's underneath the labels, and we open up the can and don't notice?
My tummy is a bit upset this evening.
I found this once before - in a can of cat food - in the kind of can that's a "flip top" can - you can tear off the top - and the top of it was full of little worms. And I figured it was also from a pin hole in the top of the flippy bit.
Canned foods have gone way down on my list of good things to eat today....
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Stay calm and assertive Canada - Cesar Millan is coming
Cesar Millan is coming - But thank dog - Cesar Millan's Canada doesn't include the East Coast - his tour of Canada stops at Montreal - we have really dodged a bullet - WHEW!

Here's a little something to take our mind's off the horrible disappointment we must all be feeeling -

Here's a little something to take our mind's off the horrible disappointment we must all be feeeling -
Conrad's Beach Today
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Vetcetera Dog Wash August 21, 2010

Tuesday, August 24, 2010
New Local Dog Book - Animal Talk by Joyce Grant-Smith

I got a new book this week - "Animal Talk" by Joyce Grant-Smith - and you'll recognize some names in it.
The byline for the book is "Remarkable connections between animals and the people who love them" - and it's all about people around Nova Scotia interviewed by Joyce who have had special relationships with their companion animals - and they haven't necessarily been dogs or cats.
One of the names a lot of people will recognize is Marni Gent - who Joyce introduces as "the founder of Maritime Animal Rescue" - that gave me a real chuckle - but only a few people who read this blog will understand why, but those who do understand - will also chuckle! But anyway! Her companions that she talked about weren't cats or dogs - they were very typical for Marni - they were chickens! And actually, one chicken in particular - Pearl, "a beautiful hen, who's feathers were a deep blue-black, with a tinge of rust around her eyes and on her breast and her comb was a brilliant red" - not a description that you'd hear very often about something that you typically eat for supper - but something that I can imagine that Marni could wax philosophical about chickens like I could talk about dogs with no problems. And we're all the better for it.
Another person I recognized in the book was Maggie Carruthers - who I've talked about a lot on this blog - she's an animal communicator who I've used a lot with my own dogs - and in the book she talks about her own cat, Flous and her dog Bear - who I actually got to meet once - so that was awesome - I got to have a brush with greatness - I met an animal who was in the book!

There are a ton of cute little stories in the book, and they're all from local animal owners - from the owners of the Aylesford Zoo, to owners who owned dogs that turned out to be heroes - it's a great little book.

It is having its book launch this weekend at the Hope for Wildlife Society's Open House this weekend - August 29th from 12 to 4pm
They'll be having special activities, an auction and lots of good stuff - so you should go, and pick up the book - I'm sure it's going to be tons of fun!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Sukavati for 8 dogs

Here's the little buddhist song -
"all you sentient beings i have a good or bad connection with as soon as you have left this confused dimension may you be borns in the western sukavati and once you're born there, complete the boomis and the path"
And here's the poem - by EE Cummings -
i carry your heart with me
i carry your heart with me(i carry it in
my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
i go you go,my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling)
i fear
no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want
no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you
here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

Sunday, August 22, 2010
Lost dog in Quinool Road area! UPDATE FOUND!!!!

UPDATE on Monday afternoon August 23rd, 2010 - Sirius has been found! He was found on Quinn Street - it was posted on their facebook group at 2:30pm - so he must have been fo und shortly before then. Yay! Good news is nice on a Monday afternoon.
Saturday August 21st - I got this email from Christine Greening who owns the pet store Bark and Fitz on Doyle Street in Halifax - a dog has gone lost in the Quinpool Road area Saturday night:
Sirius, the little black poodle who belongs to my groomer Sarah, got spooked and took off from a house last night around Quinpool. Sarah is just beside herself with worry. He is 2 years old, a friendly little dog, hair cut like a schnauzer, and wearing his name tag which includes a phone number as well as his HRM number. She has called HRM and will be calling the radio stations, but if you could help by sending out a general FYI to your emailing list or blog, we'd appreciate it. ANY cross posting you can do would help!
If anyone finds his, they can call the store at 406-3489.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Fun Stuff to do Coming Up
There's stuff to do coming up if you're interested -

Tomorrow join volunteers from the SPCA and others - August 21st - from 10am - 4pm at Vetcetera Animal Hospital in Bedford for their Annual Dog Wash!!!!!! Come with or with out your dog to see the new Vetcetera facility and have a bite to eat at the BBQ. Proceeds Benefiting the SPCA, Pick of the Litter and Bide Awhile!

I mentioned this last weekend, but I'll mention it again - lab rescue is holding a fundraise on August 25th - speed dating at Gulla-bulls on Spring Garden Road - sounds like fun for those who are interested in that type of thing! They have an event page set up if you'd like more information about!
The Atlantic Small Dog Rescue people are having a picnic and Fund Raiser on August 28th at "Sandra's house" on 30 Terry Road - here's what it says on their Facebook event page - "This August ASDR will be having a get together. We will have a yardsale in the morning and hot dogs in the afternoon. Everyone is welcome but please RSVP so Sandra knows how much food to get. If anyone feels like bringing salads or something else that would be lovely!" - so go check out their Facebook page and RSVP!!

There is a new book coming out called "Animal Talk" - from Nimbus Publications, and it's being released next weekend - they're having the launch for the book at the Hope For Wildlife Open house August 29th from 12 to 4pm over in Seaforth - it looks like a really neat book, and a good cause - so you should go check it out!

Everyone's favourite dog physiotherapist is starting her own human physiotherapy business! Yay! Shelly Malcolm-Beazley had the cutest baby in the world and went off on maternity leave a few months ago, and used that time to get things together to start up her own company! So starting on September 7th, 2010 - she'll be taking clients at "Cove Sport Therapy" with her partner Natalie, an Athletic Therapist and Osteopath. Shelly is still doing the dog physiotherapy and will have a room at the clinic for animals - so "Pawsitive Action Physiotherapy" is still going to be helping the aching dogs of the HRM - and hopefully getting bigger and better! Congratulations Shelly on your new ventures (and baby!) - and I'm sure you'll be a huge success!

Ongoing at the Pogue Fado are the charity Wing-ding's - on the last Monday of every month are fundraiser's for the NS SPCA - from 5 to 8 pm. Yummy....
(This is as much dog play as we could come up with today...its too damn hot)
There are still a couple spots left for Silvia Jay and Adina MacRae's Seminar on September 18th and 19th about dog communication where they're going to talk about dog communication - it's going to be an absolutely fabulous day where in the morning they're going to talk to us about how dogs actually communicate with each other - what types of scenarios could lead to an acutal dog fight - and what is only dog play, why is it so important to understand how dog's play, managing multiple dog households, daycare and shelter interactions, plus tons of other stuff - and then in the afternoon we're all going to go over to Seaview Park - and watch the dogs playing there - and Adina and Silvia are going to break it down for us as we observe the dogs coming and going and interacting with each other. So exciting! I'm excited because I'm personally going - the same seminar is happening on both Saturday and Sunday and there's a limit of 20 people on each day and there's only a couple spots left for each day - so if you've been thinking about going - and thought it might be all booked up - it still isn't - so email seminarswithsilvia@gmail.com for further info!
When the lady from Nimbus Books was emailing the about the "Animal Talk" book she told me that they have an office dog, and that they'd made a video and posted it to You Tube - and I thought it was so cute, I'm posting it here - please enjoy this short video of "Nala"!!

Tomorrow join volunteers from the SPCA and others - August 21st - from 10am - 4pm at Vetcetera Animal Hospital in Bedford for their Annual Dog Wash!!!!!! Come with or with out your dog to see the new Vetcetera facility and have a bite to eat at the BBQ. Proceeds Benefiting the SPCA, Pick of the Litter and Bide Awhile!

I mentioned this last weekend, but I'll mention it again - lab rescue is holding a fundraise on August 25th - speed dating at Gulla-bulls on Spring Garden Road - sounds like fun for those who are interested in that type of thing! They have an event page set up if you'd like more information about!
The Atlantic Small Dog Rescue people are having a picnic and Fund Raiser on August 28th at "Sandra's house" on 30 Terry Road - here's what it says on their Facebook event page - "This August ASDR will be having a get together. We will have a yardsale in the morning and hot dogs in the afternoon. Everyone is welcome but please RSVP so Sandra knows how much food to get. If anyone feels like bringing salads or something else that would be lovely!" - so go check out their Facebook page and RSVP!!

There is a new book coming out called "Animal Talk" - from Nimbus Publications, and it's being released next weekend - they're having the launch for the book at the Hope For Wildlife Open house August 29th from 12 to 4pm over in Seaforth - it looks like a really neat book, and a good cause - so you should go check it out!

Everyone's favourite dog physiotherapist is starting her own human physiotherapy business! Yay! Shelly Malcolm-Beazley had the cutest baby in the world and went off on maternity leave a few months ago, and used that time to get things together to start up her own company! So starting on September 7th, 2010 - she'll be taking clients at "Cove Sport Therapy" with her partner Natalie, an Athletic Therapist and Osteopath. Shelly is still doing the dog physiotherapy and will have a room at the clinic for animals - so "Pawsitive Action Physiotherapy" is still going to be helping the aching dogs of the HRM - and hopefully getting bigger and better! Congratulations Shelly on your new ventures (and baby!) - and I'm sure you'll be a huge success!

Ongoing at the Pogue Fado are the charity Wing-ding's - on the last Monday of every month are fundraiser's for the NS SPCA - from 5 to 8 pm. Yummy....
There are still a couple spots left for Silvia Jay and Adina MacRae's Seminar on September 18th and 19th about dog communication where they're going to talk about dog communication - it's going to be an absolutely fabulous day where in the morning they're going to talk to us about how dogs actually communicate with each other - what types of scenarios could lead to an acutal dog fight - and what is only dog play, why is it so important to understand how dog's play, managing multiple dog households, daycare and shelter interactions, plus tons of other stuff - and then in the afternoon we're all going to go over to Seaview Park - and watch the dogs playing there - and Adina and Silvia are going to break it down for us as we observe the dogs coming and going and interacting with each other. So exciting! I'm excited because I'm personally going - the same seminar is happening on both Saturday and Sunday and there's a limit of 20 people on each day and there's only a couple spots left for each day - so if you've been thinking about going - and thought it might be all booked up - it still isn't - so email seminarswithsilvia@gmail.com for further info!
When the lady from Nimbus Books was emailing the about the "Animal Talk" book she told me that they have an office dog, and that they'd made a video and posted it to You Tube - and I thought it was so cute, I'm posting it here - please enjoy this short video of "Nala"!!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
It is HOT
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