I cannot believe it. This weekend the
HRM is allowing people around the HRM to put out stuff at curbside that they want people actually drive around, puruse, and if you think you want it - you can get out of your car and pick up - and take it for free! for thousands of would-be dumpster divers - it's going to be heaven on earth! There are going to be people going around on the edge of going up in spontaneous combustion they are going to be so excited and happy! I have a blog that I haven't blogged anything on in a really long time - basically because my house in now full and my 80 year old father would fall down and kill himself if I brought anything else in - it's called "
Dogkisser's Sweet Dumpster finds" - and it's all about finding great stuff in other people's garbage. There is a whole movement of people in this world called "Freegans" - who believe that consumerism is something that is killing the world - just about everything can (and should) be reused and then repurposed a lot longer than we currently use it - so initiatives like this weekend are really important for the environment, and for society - and for people who like to get free stuff - it's veritably ORGASMIC! Yea!
I don't know how much stuff I'm going to actually go and pick up - but I think I'll go out and take some pictures of what people are putting out - that's what I like to do - and as well - it's a great reason to go walk the dogs - on my "
great neighbourhood walks" page I talk about taking "garbage walks" - and that I used to like to "surf the top layer" of people's garbage - it's like an anthropology lesson. It's all good.

If you're up for doing something fun on Saturday - from 8am to 6pm - Halifax Dogs and their owners are invited for a "Tail Wagging Good Time" at the Pedigree Adoption Drive Art Display at Victoria Park - which is the park on the corner of South Park Sreet and Spring Garden Road.
To help the thousands of dogs admitted to shelters each year, the makers of Pedigree® have kicked-off the third annual PEDIGREE ADOPTION DRIVE ® to highlight the realities facing shelter dogs, raise funds to assist dogs living in shelters and celebrate those four-legged heroes who have found loving homes!
There will be a guy called "Chalkmaster Dave" spending eight hours creating a chalk art display that depicts a shelter dog’s journey towards adoption.
A recent survey commissioned by Pedigree® and conducted by Harris/Decima showed 24 per cent of Atlantic Canadians surveyed adopted their current dog from a shelter, the highest of any region in Canada and higher than the national average at 17 per cent.
Local dogs (and their owners) are encouraged to come out and support shelter dogs and enjoy an opportunity to socialize with fellow dog lovers.

This weekend it paid to be on Facebook - I belong to the
Shore Club's Facebook page - and they sent out a message saying that were having a special on - $19.97 for their lobster dinner! What a deal! It's usually like $27.50 - so down to Hubbard's we went.

It was totally yummy - and if you've ever been to the Shore Club - the place is beautiful, homey, and the lobster is cooked to order and amazing - a true taste of Nova Scotia - so
you should join their Facebook group - and you'll be kept up to date too!

I mean - wouldn't you want to eat this - AND save almost twenty bucks?

For the drive home from Hubbard's - for some reason my Dad decided to take the long drive home - which meant driving by the Swissair memorial - so I had him stop so I could take a couple pictures.

Unfortunately we arrived at the exact same moment as a family of 10 people who decided to plunk themselves down right in the middle of the memorial who decided to have a laugh fest - which was completely inappropriate to the memorial - which really affected the quality of the pictures I could take - but I took a couple peripheral shots of the site, such as they are -

To the left you can see Peggy's Cove off into the distance

And the bulk of the memorial is 2 large stones that have text written about the tragedy -

Now this is something that is SO neat - the
Nova Scotia archives website has like a ka-jillion photos on it that are amazing - and they have a virtual online exhibit of Wallace R Macaskill photos -

and the neatest thing is that you can click on the photos and save the images in a really good file size - and actually print them out so that they look really good!

So you know all those really beautiful Macaskill tinted photos that your grandmother had on her walls and you were really pissed off because they went to some other family member? You can now have them on your walls too!

Thank you Nova Scotia Archives!

I actually recognize this photo - this little boy was in a photo that was on the wall in my living room growing up - but there wasn't a dog in it - but now I can have it on my wall - but it's got a dog in it - which is even better!

I was going back through some old postings on this blog - and
a post I wrote back in September of 2007 jumped out of me - it's of a "dog's kiester" - isn't it cute? It's inspired me to buy a couple of new domain names as a matter of a fact - so now I own
http://dogkiester.ca/ and
http://dogkiester.ca/ - I don't know why, I just felt like it. I think it's a really cute name, actually - funny! People should really delve back into more of my archives and realize that I have really written a post on every topic imaginable. There really is nothing I haven't covered. Really, there isn't.