Thursday, August 17, 2006

What a super day to be on Vacation

Man, it was a good day to be on vacation in Nova Scotia today. The weather was absolutely perfect. Me and the dogs (after doing the requisite chores around the house that you have to do when you're on the first day of taking a couple days off) - went out to my parents cottage - and it was a picture perfect day out there. That's where the picture of Charlie and Daisy were taken in the water. What colours, eh? And then we went to Prospect Bay which is just down the road from their cottage. And what an evening it was there! We were there about 6pm - and the air was just beautiful. And completely empty - not a soul there.

And if you're in the area this Sunday - they're having their yearly lobster supper on Sunday in Prospect - for $20.99 they have the best lobster supper that I've had just about anywhere in their local church - but you better buy your tickets in advance because they usually sell out before hand! I'm hoping my Dad goes and buys our tickets tomorrow! (hint hint...)

This is a picture of the little village of Prospect from where we hike on the rocks. Picturesque, eh?

It doesn't get too much more Nova Scotian than this - a sailboat off in the distance and a wave breaking over the rocks in front of you...

It doesn't get too much more Nova Scotian than this - a sailboat off in the distance and a wave breaking over the rocks in front of you...

You can't tell too well, but the sailboat is also in the background in this picture too

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