I love the website Wimp.com - you can find some really neat stuff there.
I don't know the background of the site, or where the videos come from - but every day new videos get posted there - and on Facebook, if you belong to their facebook page - you get notified whenever a new video is posted, so yesterday I got notified that the 1st "I am Somebody" video that's below was posted - the one with the little girl - and I thought it was so neat.
Such a little girl, so smart, with such strong convictions - what a remarkable life she is going to have! I hope that no one breaks her down - she is so beautiful. But it got me to thinking - where did what she was saying come from - so I did my Google magic - and found where it originated - and it came from Jessie Jackson - when he taught it to some kids on the tv show Sesame Street back in 1971 - and that's the 2nd video I've posted below - which is also an amazing video.
It's got nothing to do with dogs - but everything to do with positivity - which has everything to do with dogs.
Enjoy -
remember John-john from sesame street?--i use to love him