Sunday, December 5, 2010

Naked Veterinarians & Huge Holistic Pet Conference Coming Next October

Today I bought a fabulous new calendar called the "Dr. Show More Calendar 2011" and it's an "educational fundraising endeavour from the Center for Integrative Veterinary Care, an organization dedicated to the education and outreach to both veterinary professionals and the public, promoting current information on Integrative Medicine".

It's what you could call a "cheeky" take off on the calendar girls from England of a few years ago - but it's been done this time by actual practicing veterinarians from around the world to provide scholarships to train vets in Integrative Modalities, which is a great thing.
Currently they are only available through either me - you can email me at or through Maureen Tate who you can email at - which brings me to the next topic - which is the fact that a small group of us - with Maureen as the fearless leader are organizing a huge expo for this coming October - October 8th and 9th, 2011 - which is going to be the first time that Nova Scotia has ever seen anything like this - we are organizing a "Nova Scotia Integrative Health Pet Expo" - and we are really excited about it.

It is based on an expo that was held in Boston last year - and it is going to bring all the modalities of Integrative Veterinary Medicine together in one place for 2 days with exhibitors, demonstrations, a lecture series, non-profit organizations, and a silent auction.

It is going to be a ton of fun - we are in the very first stages of organizing it - so there is still everything to do - but it's going to be huge, and there's going to be something there for everyone - so stay tuned for more information about it.

For now you should buy one of these Integrative Medicine Calendars - they are really neat - every month doesn't just have a semi-nude veterinarian - it also has tips from that vet's modalities - so if that vet's month is a chiropractor, there'll be tips about veterianary chiropacty - you get the idea.

Lots of good stuff - the calendars are $15. You can find out more about them, with some good links at -

Our website - which is a work in progress (meaning there's not much there yet!) is at

A neat video that talks about Integrative medicine is at the author or the calendar's website - "Dr Do More - A video about Animal Health"

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful stuff Joan. You and Maureen will bring us a super Expo and again help educate us for our pets. Very much looking forward to the event.
