There was a dog who lived next door to me who used to be chained out. He died a few months ago after having gotten loose and while loose he probably got hit by a car, because when he came home he had a big gash on his head - and a couple weeks after he was home he started becoming paralyzed and a couple days later he died.

That's all I'm going to say about that - the dog house is still there, and the house is now up for sale - and today I noticed my cat sitting at the entrance to it!
I think a cat sitting at the entrance to a dog house looks so much better than a dog, and the fact that he can walk away at any time and then meow and make a fuss at the back door to come inside is great.

Yesterday we did make it down to the "Shelter dogs" exhibit at the Anna Leonowens art gallery - the photos were pretty neat. I'm glad they had a couple photos of dogs who were euthanized, it gave a truer picture of the situation of shelters -

it was seen through eyes that were wonderfully unblemished.

We met up with some people who were here from out of town - and were walking by the antique store the "Urban Cottage" on Granville Steet, which has tons of unbelievably great stuff that is impossible to not buy - and my friend Janet bought me this antique wind up toy, isn't it cute? It jumps up and down - it is just the cutest thing!
Didja know that sometimes people who are caring for feral cats build the 'cat house' to look like a dog house so that the neighbours don't complain? Because of municipal cat at large bylaws, tending a colony is often a clandestine activity with the safety of the cats depending on the good will of the neighbours.