Did you know that Deepak Chopra is coming to Halifax? I just found out yesterday. I bought my ticket as soon as I found out. He's going to be at the Metro Centre on April 22nd. I can't wait. As a mentally challenged person of a certain age, I've perused a few of his books - so it behooves me to go to see him if he's coming to town - like other people have to go see Neil Young when he comes to town. So if you are of a similar ilk - and you didn't hear about it yet - here's your warning.
There's another animal law conference - this time up in Montreal - this one sounds really serious and brainy. It's May 21st and 22nd - and here's their spiel about it -
The purpose of this conference, the first of its kind in Canada, is to bring together a group of researchers and students to explore the bases for a new understanding of “animal law” and its determinants. The conference will provide a platform for interdisciplinary exchanges between Canadian and international researchers and practitioners in the field who can suggest a relevant or innovative outlook on the legal and moral treatment of animals. Overall, the goal is to review the behaviours that human beings exhibit towards the animal species.
Although mainly a scientific and legal undertaking, the conference is open to researchers from other disciplines—biology, ecology, philosophy and veterinary medicine, for example—who are concerned with the use and exploitation of animals by human beings as well as sources of animal sufferings they would like to see stopped or reduced.
It costs between $85 - $205 to go to the conference, depending on whether you're a student or a person off the street - the website is at http://www.grida.uqam.ca/EN/
If you're interested in learning how to teach your dog how to relax - Jackie McGowan - who also teaches people how to dance with their dogs (which is pretty neat) - is giving a one day session on showing people how to get their dogs to relax -
Location: Days Inn - 20 Highfield Park Drive
Time: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Cost: $120.00
You can learn more about it on her website at Fanickally Parson Jack Russell Terriers
If you've got 2 hours to kill - On March 25th - Bill Bruce - "Bylaw Bill" of Calgary, Alberta - gave an amazing 2 hour talk in Santa Barbara California about his system of animal control and what he's done in his city. I was enraptured for the whole 2 hours - Santa Barbara put the 2 hour video on their website - it really is unbelievable in it's beauty the things he talks about - it's all good. You can go watch it by clicking HHEERREE.
And this is going to be just TOO incredibly cute! Pug Pals of the HRM is putting on an Easter Egg Hunt at Point Pleasant Park on April 12th - at Fort Ogilvie in particular. This is going to be just too much! Can you imagine 40 pugs all dressed up in easter outfits? I am going to have to go there with Buttercup and take some photos - I'll have to put one of Buttercup's party dresses on her. I cannot wait. This is what small dog ownership is all about. Love. It is open to ALL breeds - so even if you don't own a pug - if you've got $12 and a easter party attitude - come to the party. It's going to be a hoot. There's a facebook event if you want to check it out - here -
Hey Thanks for that pedometer link and that Bill Bruce video