Me and my Dad went to the annual Prospect Bay Lobster Dinner today and we were not disappointed - this was the 3rd or 4th year that we've gone out, and each year is yummy. This was however the 1st year that we've gone without Mom - so that was very sad, even though neither of us mentioned anything.

Dad and I ate our lobsters and our salad and he ate my mussels - even though for the first time ever I DID try to eat a couple. They weren't too bad actually - but they certainly were NOT lobster. The BEST part was I asked for chocolate cream pie for dessert and it was the last piece so they gave me a second piece because of that - so I actually got TWO pieces of pie! Now THAT was SUPER! haha!

This is a shot of Prospect Bay from the Village - if you search "Prospect Bay" on my blog you'll come up with tons of blog entries because me and the dogs have spent a lot of time hiking out there - I love to walk out there and I've taken a lot of photos out there. It is one of the most beautiful spots in the HRM. Gorgeous.

I bought a beautiful necklace from this lady - she had all kinds of good stuff - and I took one of her cards and when I got home I looked up her website - and it is awesome! It's at
http://lanipuppetmaker.com/ - and it's called "
Lani's Alternative Arts Puppetmaker and Joy Site - Where Self Help, Art and Play create ameloriative magic together". She's also
got a blog that looks great - and by the looks of it - she's got a dog! haha! So I'd say I've hit upon something good.

This is the necklace I bought from the lady above being modelled by the top of Buttercup's head.

And this is the rest of Buttercup's head - doesn't she look impressed?
Me and my Dad went to the annual Prospect Bay Lobster Dinner today and we were not
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