Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Daisy and Dilly almost play!

A suberbly beautiful example of Daisy's effervecence.

I've decided to rename Bandit - since he's going to be here for awhile - I don't like the name "Bandit", and the lady who adopted him had renamed him "Griffin" - which I also don't particularly like - and Buttercup and Daisy have flower names - so I've decided to go with the name "Daffodil". He looks like a daffodil I think. I'm shortening it to "Dilly" for short - and he definitely is a "dilly" of a dog - so Dilly it is.

I took some video yesterday of Dilly and Daisy - the first time they played! They were playing a bit before I started shooting, and this is the end of it - so I'm hoping that as the days progress, they'll start playing more, and eventually become friends. Dilly's playing style though involves barking right into the face of who he wants to play with though - which is really not a good style to cultivate - he is really so poorly socialized. And my guys are the king and queens of telling dogs off who are poorly socialized - in some ways that's good, and in some ways that's very bad - especially for the dog who is the brunt of it. I'm hoping he learns quickly what is good and what is bad. For his own sake!

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