So when I send letters to people who have impressed me for one reason or another and they don't write back - that pisses me off. To me it's a matter of common courtesy and respect that you have to respond back. It's not like I'm going to expect an answer back from Brad Pitt - but if I'm emailing someone who's a pretty much normal person - but I'm doing a cold email (I don't know them) - but it's a website/internet thing - common courtesy dictates a response. To not reply is just rude I think. But maybe I'm just old fashioned. Maybe that's just a hold-back to the days of old-time letter writing and doesn't apply to emails anymore.
Either way - the thing that I emailed this person about has gone down 100,000% in my opinion and instead of mentioning it in my travels I will simply steal the ideas and use them as my own whenever it pleases me and is convenient. That should serve that person right for not righting back to me! That person isn't even googled for Christ's sake! Who did that person think they were - not writing back to me!
So that's the first thing.

Smokey when he was in Virginia - unnamed, and unloved.

The next thing is - how is it that I can save dogs 1000 miles away and I can't save the dog who lives right next door to me? How can I save a blind dog who was tied to tree for the first 2 years of his life and then escaped, found on a road and then kept in a pen until he was transported to Allentown Pennsylvania to be fostered by a lady I know and posted on a website that I'm the webmaster of where he was seen by a family and then adopted this week and will now live inside for the rest of his life. And all this was done from Halifax, Nova Scotia. And at the same time I have the most gorgeous white husky living outside next door to me tied to a dog house 24 hours a day dying a slow death 365 days a year that I can do nothing about because his "owner" won't let me. What is wrong with this world?

Smokey as a normal dog - after a one hour bath and some love.

The next thing.
I've got a spirit in the house - my animal communicator Maggie Carruthers came over tonight and we've decided that there is a male spirit here - I told here about one of the old lady's (previous owners) children - young adult - children who died tragically while waiting for an organ transplant in his early twenties - and she said that she sees a male behind Teddy and that may be why he's having problems in the bedroom. Maggie doesn't understand how I can sleep in that room at all it's got so many bad feelings in there. So we're going to have to do a "cleansing" of the house in April.
I was sent a cute dog blog link this week though - it's at
That is all I can bear for now. I've got to go to bed.
I will leave you with these fancied up pictures though - I love this picture of Buttercup because it's a throw away picture that's been turned into like a work of art - and you look at it and say to yourself - why is she laying on the floor of the washroom, what is she looking at, and what is she waiting for?

Waiting - but what is she waiting for?

This picture of Teddy is a very small cropped picture of a larger picture so that's why it's so grainy

Teddy being chased by something!

Oh yeah - one last thing - this week I came upon an Occupational health Nurse who'd never heard of Abdonimal Migraines and a local dog trainer who HAD heard of choke chains and prong collars and actually USES them - but had never heard of a martingale collar. My mind is BLOWN. Especially by that second person. Is not YOURS!!!!!
Arn't there any laws against animal abuse. In Belgium it's illegal to tie up an animal. Do you know why they tie it up? Is it because they don't have a fence. Peraps they don't know about radio fence. I know I'm putting them in a more positive daylight then they probably deserve, but just in case... And yes, I know how you feel. The dog two houses down spends 2O hours a day in a pen.