Wednesday, August 9, 2006

Crystal Crescent Beach today

Last October I was at the section of Crystal Crescent beach that everybody else goes to and it looked like shit. Most of the white sand was gone and it was full of little rocks and seaweed - I was shocked. I took pictures and wrote it up in a post called very ironically (duh) "What's happened to Crystal Crescent Beach?"

Well I was back to that section of beach tonight with the dogs and I'm super happy to report that the beautiful white sand is back! Not a rock or piece of seaweed to be found! I was so happy! So happy that I'm happy to be saying that word 4 times in one paragraph. I thought that might be the case because the section of beach that I go to usually had also recently refilled with white sand and has been looking super duper as well. So Crystal Crescent Beach is a place that is somewhere that should be recommended to local tourists as a beautiful place to go and lie in un-mussed up white hot sand - and very cold Atlantic ocean water. haha! And about a 15 minute walk down the coastline is naked people carousing around if you're into that. Me and the dogs are NOT, so we go in the OTHER direction when we go to that beach. We're looking for BUOY booty, not BUM booty.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Joan, I also have small white dog who thinks he rules the roost. I'm concerned about his over-protectiveness of me, ie: barking and lunging at other dogs/people and anything with wheels. lol! I'm very concerned about letting him off leash, even when there aren't many folks around. Any suggestions? Tips?

    A faithful reader.
