Gail Benoit and Dana Bailey have lost their appeal in their latest conviction of animal abuse and assault - from 2007 when they had puppies in their care with bloated out bellies and when SPCA officers came to their house to inspect - and ultimately seize the puppies - Dana Bailey THREW the puppies at the SPCA officers and assaulted Nancy Noel.
Since this wasn't Gail Benoit's first conviction on assault - she had to service something like 3 weeks in jail - which did not go down very well with her partner, Dana Bailey - which led to much hijinx in the courtroom. If you wanted to have a very colourful reality series - someone should start filming that family - they would make a ton of money.
Their next trial starts with a pre-trial hearing in March - on charges stemming from the whole Chapman Kennels debacle a couple summers ago - does everyone remember that? When they bought something like 27 puppies and only 5 of them survived. You can read about their long and storied career at

That's the media news I like
ReplyDeleteThe sad thing is their trial for the dead puppies they sold a couple of summers ago is not until this fall, with the pre-trial / discovery trial being in May.
ReplyDeleteThese are slippery, useless, bags of shit for brains people and should be utterly disrespected.
I wanted to mention that Gail went to gail for cross checking Nancy Noel of the SPCA and attempting to slam her between a door.
ReplyDeleteWhen Gail got out of JAIL she was telling potential puppy purchasers that she had "been away on course" lol... I hope she learned something while she was on " course "
AfricanSunset, are you serious?? "Away on course" That's priceless!
ReplyDeleteToo bad the course didn't teach her how to properly treat animals, eh?
not to be a naysayer - I am so glad that they are being tarred and feathered in the press as they well deserve
ReplyDeleteBUT until legislation stops puppy millers and brokers and stores from selling to the public ...
we still have a long battle to see the humane treatment of animals.
One of the worst punishments is social ostracism. Maybe we could lobby that every piece of low life who abuses animals gets a tattoo on the forehead for everyone else to see.
ReplyDeleteMaybe better than sending these people on course with taxpayers' money.
Of course, I don't seriously belief that that'll ever happen, but the media attention and blogs like Joan's are the next best thing.