If you're interested in relating more mindfully with your canine life companion - you should set aside May 1st now - dog behaviour expert Silvia Jay is putting on a new seminar about stress and what it can have to do with aggression in our dogs - it's a not to be missed day where we're going to learn tons of new stuff from a dog trainer who is also a gifted speaker. I can't wait!
The location still has to be worked out - but the date is definitely May 1st - the cost is going to be $60 - and you can pre-pay this time to confirm your seat - email seminarswithsilvia@gmail.com to get details on where to mail your cheques to and you can find out more about how Silvia trains on her website at http://www.voice4dogs.com/ - if you're into totally positive training that makes a whole lot of sense, you won't be disappointed!
If you want to check out how a seminar she put on last year went - you can read about it in a blog post here - http://dogkisser.blogspot.com/2009/04/silvia-jays-seminar-was-super.html
Yeah - count me in - I certainly need to learn more about my dogs as well as dog behaviour in general - thanks Silvia ...thanks Joan for posting
ReplyDeleteSo sorry I am going to miss this!!!!
ReplyDeleteI think any one who loves dogs and is around them can benefit from any of Silvia's seminars. This one sounds particularly useful and informative!
This one should be a packed house and sold out!