Friday, April 11, 2008

Buttercup's Convalescence

Buttercup had her knee surgery on Thursday. She's not feeling too well at the moment. That's the problem with surgery. You go in feeling not too bad and you leave not being able to walk.
That is Buttercup's problem. She's basically spent the last 24 hours on my Dad's lap. He doesn't seem to mind too much though, which is good.
Jackie doesn't understand what all the fuss is about, though.
Here's a shot of her today with her offending knee showing. I don't think it looks as bad as when Charlie had his ACL done back in 2006. That was a really bad surgery.
I wonder if that's what he's thinking about here..."I'm glad it's not me who's walking around with polyester sutures sticking out of my legs.... man, that sucks..."And Jackie's just glad that the treats haven't stopped flowing...


  1. Anonymous2:09 PM

    I've been watching to see how Buttercup is doing; glad the surgery went well...hugs to Jackie for me.

  2. Anonymous5:23 PM

    I hope Buttercup recovers better than ever from the surgery and it is a very successful operation!

    I know she is in excellent hands!


  3. I am glad Buttercup is doing OK. Jackie is always grateful for treats.

  4. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Way to go with doing lap duty gramps!

  5. Here's wishing you a speedy recovery, Buttercup!
