Sunday, February 4, 2007

The Dangers of Choosing Pets over Children

I am currently really struggling with the mortality of my companion animals. I want them to stay with me for my whole life, and the thing is - I want THESE animals to stay with me for the length of my whole life, but I know they won't. And it's killing me.

I've always said it's so much better to have animals than children, but now I'm not sure - at least with children you have the pretty good expectation that at least they'll outlive you. You have the stability to know that even if they are awful human beings and they treat you like shit - at least they are alive somewhere in the world. The recent death of my mother and 3 animals (I had another cat Gizmo die that I haven't mentioned previously I don't think because it was so close to my Mom's death) has really kicked me in the stomach and made me look at my animals' in a new way.

Last night I found a lump on Buttercup's neck. Is this the beginning of the end for her? And the ongoing struggles with Charlie's knees. You only get such a short window with companion animals. And then are given such a long time to grieve them.

Maybe I should have had children instead of dogs.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:51 PM

    We were just having this conversation not too long ago - I have also grappled with this issue - and my furkid Charley is not yet 3 years old! I could manage to have a child if I really wanted to, but it would be for purely selfish reasons, not quite fair to the child. I have one parent and no siblings, I also fear being alone in my later years. Oh my. Misery does love company, so here I am. Now, where DID I put those happy pills....*sigh*
