Monday, July 11, 2005

Through Their Eyes

Horses can be ridden, they are harnessed, raced and driven
And dogs are our friends, or so we say.
But gentle cows and sheep are only good for meat
And chickens kept alive for eggs they lay.

Cats in our collection give solace and affection,
Their social graces mystify and charm.
On the farm you will find creatures of a different kind,
Their living deaths endured in darkened barn.

If piglets had their druthers they would not leave their mothers,
Nor goats forsake their kids and walk away.
Ostriches and emus would rather not be on the menu
And buffalo would roam the plains today.

It is rather a conundrum why these facts are seen as humdrum While
animals are raised in pain and fear.
They're not recognized as pets so we'll have no regrets
As they forfeit precious lives that none revere.

Cows may be labeled cattle as though they're goods and chattel And
hogs are really piggies in disguise.
Change their names, forget their faces, wipe away the traces But
remember the betrayal in their eyes.

Ann Wilson

Ann Wilson is a member of Activists Against Factory Farming

I found the neatest blog today - it's called "Animal Writings" and it's called "Essays and Musings on Animals and Society" - and it has all kinds of writings about animal welfare that are really really good. And way heavier than anything I've ever written about - MUCH preachier than me! haha! It's at

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:25 AM

    For the fear of ridicule... hehehehe...nice.
