Saturday, May 19, 2007

Today was the Pooch Picnic in Enfield!

Today me Buttercup and Dilly went up to Enfield to sell our liver at the "Pooch Picnic" that was going on in Enfield.
Mostly though, we went up because I wanted to get some exposure and hopefully some contacts for Dilly - and hopefully some possible ideas for people to adopt Dilly - he's been with me now for more than a month - and he needs to find a home - so it was such a shame that it was a total downpour and there was hardly anyone at the function today.
And he was such a good dog today - he really impressed everyone that was there - he loved everyone there, and didn't bark or jump up - he was the best dog in the room - beyond doubt. And I think he had a good time doing it too!
Here he's sniffing 2 newfoundland dogs brought by a couple who own a boarding kennel - Dilly was the best dog there - but these were definitely the BIGGEST dogs there! haha!

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